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Sunday, May 24, 2015

St Patricks Day: Stories and Recipes from Ireland 

'This book is a real gem. It provides a really unique understanding of St Patricks Day from an Irish viewpoint' says Eileen Savos.'It has some terrific images and super recipes. Even showing us ways to prepare tripe!'.

The Irish are famous for storytelling and not surprisingly the book weaves together lots of stories and memories from growing up in Ireland. The book offers understandings into how the Irish celebrate St Patricks Day in Ireland and viewpoints on how the Irish view the way St Patrick Day is celebrated overseas.

Key influences on Irish society including the shrine at Knock, Peig Sayers, Irish nuns and a controversial Irish language book Duil are all explored.

A great read for any individual who wants to understand St Patricks Day and a must-read for any individual preparing a speech for St Patricks day. A little nostalgia for the Irish diaspora on this special day.

Click the link to get a copy delivered straight to your phone, kindle or laptop and get the special St Patricks Day sale price.

Le gach dhea ghui!

Ever wonder how St Patrick's Day is commemorated in Ireland? Ever wonder about the St Patrick's Day parade? Exactly what do we eat and drink on St Patrick's Day? Do you remember who Peig Sayers was?
This book is a collection of St Patrick's day stories and dishes from my youth growing up in Waterford and afterwards during my corporate profession overseas and now that I have actually returned home to Ireland.
This book will be of interest to those who did not grow up in Ireland and either funny for those people who did!
This book is definitely best enjoyed with a pint of Guinness in one hand and a slab of soda bread in the other! Slainte!

Check this book out at amazon.com/St-Patricks-Day-Recipes-Stories-ebook/dp/B00IVSUU8A/St Patricks Day/

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