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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Facts You Possibly Will Not Learn About Babies 

Plan My Baby
<br><br>Most people understand that babies eat a lot, sleep a lot and go through a lot of diapers. But do you know why babies move the way they do? Has someone taught you why a baby grows up in stages? Most parents don't bother learning the specific of their child's development. Other people are fascinated by the way a baby grows and develops as it is conceived, grows within the mother, is born and then grows up.<br><br>Babies are never dull! Believe it or not the things you think you know about babies might be completely false! Read on to learn more about babies and early childhood development!<br><br>Did you know already that babies are not very good at telling colors apart? It will take some time after a baby is born for his eyes to finish maturing and for the synapses between them and his brain to be complete. This is why the very best colors that you can use for a baby's room or toys are bright primary colors. Bold and bright colors like reds and greens and blues or even white and black are the easiest colors for babies to see. Babies can't tell the difference between pastels.<br><br>This is one of the reasons that babies will sometimes choose one toy over another. Pastels are meant more for an adult's sense of cuteness while the black and white things that are so often turned down are actually better for your son or daughter's development. <br><br>Did you know that not all babies are born toothless? Other babies have to wait longer than usual and won't see any teething until they are almost toddlers.<br><br>No parent looks forward to having their baby start teething. There is no reason to fret if your child starts teething earlier or later than his peers. There is no guarantee when it comes to childhood development even in a family with lots of kids--your baby will grow at the pace that nature has intended for him and him alone.<br><br>Even though babies can make a wailing sound as soon as they are born, the presence of actual tears does not usually occur until the baby is at least two or three weeks old. When a person gets stressed he or she secretes a hormone that is only found in tears. This is one of the reasons that stress makes people cry: the body forces the stress induced hormones out of the body to calm itself down. Your baby won't create this hormone until after you have given birth to him. Sometimes real tears take a few weeks to show up because it takes the baby a while to begin producing the stress hormone. Some babies won't produce the hormone for a few months. Babies are really fun to learn about. A babies learning process is largely uncharted territory--nobody truly understands it. Babies are constantly growing and changing and watching them mature and develop is something everyone should experience.<br><br>The following tips can certainly be helpful for you as well as for your child while in and soon after the pregnancy. However, if you're not pregnant at this time and you are searching for ways that will aid you to choose your own baby's gender right before the pregnancy, then <a href="http://www.aliciapenningtonplanmybabybook.com" target='_blank'>check this site</a> and discover more about natural system that can help you to drastically improve your odds of selecting your baby's gender right before the pregnancy. <br><br>You can also find more information on pregnancy if you <a href="http://www.aliciapenningtonplanmybabybook.com/great-and-easy-tips-for-your-pregnancy" target='_blank'>read more here</a>.

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